Monthly Archives: February 2014

10 Ways To Worship Without Music


From an article at (which is no longer available online)

Worship isn’t just a part of your life — it’s everything you do!
If you’ve been following this blog you know that I just finished a three-part series based on the notes to my first sermon: Worship 101: The Who, What, When, Where, Why and What. Especially towards the end of that series you heard me say (you read) that worship through music is only a small portion of what true, biblical worship is all about. Another great reference is Rick Warren’s section in The Purpose Driven Life on “You Were Made for God’s Pleasure.” Worship is the process of surrendering our entire life into God’s hands. Everything we do can – and should — be an act of worship.

How do we apply that to our life? God designed us to worship Him with our whole lives. Are there actually spiritual habits that we can build into our lives that help us to worship God more deeply? YES! Here are ten habits than can help build worship into your life on a daily basis. Continue reading

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Worship Set From February 2, 2014

Happy Day, Psalm 98:4-9, Shout To The Lord, Our God, Cornerstone Continue reading

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Worship 101 – The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How — Part III

In Part III of Worship 101, we finish off the series with the final point: “How Do We Worship”. If you missed Part I, click here, or for Part II click here.


Well, going back to the first part of this message, we worship God by proclaiming his worth and acknowledging that he is worthy of our praise. We worship Him in spirit and in truth, both emotionally and intellectually. And we worship Him in all circumstances.

But let’s look farther back than the beginning of this message. Let’s look back to the first recorded acts of worship. In the Old Testament, people worship God… Continue reading

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